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Activities and classes at the English Bridge Workshop


Anyone who is organising a community activity knows how difficult it can be to find a suitable hall, taking into account such factors as size, expense, acoustics, suitable location. The EBW has two halls which satisfy all these requirements and more. It is within walking distance of Shrewsbury town centre with nearby municipal parking. 


Currently the building provides access to the arts and leisure through a regular timetable of classes, including life drawing, portrait painting, wellbeing art sessions and tai-chi. The halls are also available for exhibitions. Scroll down to find out more about what’s happening below.


For enquiries regarding hall hire, please leave a message on

01743 243283, email us, use the contact form,

or click on the link below:



If you'd like information regarding these activities and classes, please contact the organiser directly.



Shrewsbury Life Drawing Workshop


Shrewsbury Life Drawing Workshop is an informal and friendly meeting place for artists of all abilities who wish to develop and extend their figure drawing skills.


It is an untutored group best suited to those with some figure drawing experience although all are welcome. A different model is provided each week.


The workshops are held on Mondays between 2pm and 4pm at the English Bridge Workshops.  Artists should bring with them their own drawing materials. For further information please contact Louise Diggle at: 

Guild of Enamellers


Guild of Enamellers - Region 4


Enamelling is the art of fusing glass to metal.  The Guild of Enamellers meets at the English Bridge Workshops every 4-6 weeks on Saturdays to encourage and promote the craft.  There is a varied and exciting range of workshops throughout the year and new members are welcome, as are members from other regions.  Some of the workshops are tutor led, whilst at others there is a themed workshop run by one of the region's members. 


For further information visit 




Over the years, the EBW has been a proud host to many exhibitions such as the annual Belle Vue Arts Festival.


Keep up to date with this years exciting programme at:

Portrait Workshop with Avril Boyce


The Portrait Workshop held at EBW on a Friday was started back in 2012 by a small group of enthusiasts who first met through Dave Bissitt's Life class at EBW.  The group numbers around 15 and includes professionals as well as amateurs and any medium is used e.g. paint, charcoal, pastel etc.  We've had the occasional tutored class but mostly untutored where we just all learn from each other and share skills.  The workshop is held fortnightly on Fridays 10 – 4pm


For further information about upcoming sessions contact  Avril Boyce at:



Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art, now practised worldwide because of its reputation as a health exercise (the therapeutic effects of regular Tai Chi has been studied and proven in relation to many chronic illnesses, especially stress and stress related conditions), and because its slow, gentle nature makes it accessible to people of all ages, fitness, and physical capability. The aim of Tai Chi is to achieve physical and psychological harmony.


Tuesdays from 7.00pm. For further information contact Marc Lacey on 07779 453322



Landscape studies

An untutored session on for the exploration of all things landscape. Meets fortnightly on Fridays, 10-4 in the Upper Hall. Participants should bring their own materials, easels can be provided.


For further details about joining the group please contact Sue Hayden on


© 2015 English Bridge Workshop                                                         Registered Charity No. 1048286                                                             Website by NewBold Horizons

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